Current Projects

Church Planting

A main focus as a ministry is making disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by helping to plant churches in various communities that become led by natives. We are currently working in the Amazon, Highlands, and Coastal regions in Ecuador.


Clean Water

One of the greatest physical needs facing so many in the world is the lack of clean drinking water. Emmaus Global Missions allocates funds to distribute water filters to those in need. We do this while also sharing the “living water”, Jesus, that we all desperately need. We are thankful to have a great partnership with Filter of Hope to help accomplish this task.

Audio Bibles

While many of us take for granted having access to a Bible, many people where we serve do not have a Bible. Emmaus Global Missions allocates funds to distribute paper Bibles and also audio Bibles. Many people face vision issues and illiteracy where we serve. An audio Bible is often the only way they will be able to hear the life giving words of God.

Mission Trips